July 22 Meeting at Winstead Park

For our July meeting, we’re headed to the park, where we’ll circle our chairs and enjoy the outdoors.

When: July 22, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Where: Winstead Park, 6150 W Northview St. in Boise

What to bring:

  • chair, water and any show & tell you have to share
  • completed Scaled Triangle blocks for our Modern Quilt Bee and scrappy leader/ender blocks
  • your face collage to show — finished or at any stage of completion; we’ll also talk about submitting these as an entry in the small group category of the Boise Basin Quilters annual quilt show, Sept. 29-30 at Expo Idaho (thanks to Nancy England for the fun idea, and if we move ahead with this, we’re looking for a volunteer or two to help with paperwork, gathering the entries, delivering and picking up from the show)
  • community giving quilts — completed or ready to pass along for quilting or binding (huge thanks to Anna Yates for delivering and tracking our work!)
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