2021 Annual Meeting Recap

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Annual Meeting and our extended conversation with Daisy Aschehoug of Warm Folk!

Annual Meeting

Here are a few highlights of what we covered:

  • 2021 Recap: Lindsie guided us through a look back at our year. Wow! There BMQG was an active and agile group. Members, check your email for details.
  • Dues: Dues remain at $20/year; renew or join by December 8. It’s easy to pay online! Just go to the Boise Modern Quilt Guild Membership page and use the PayPal option.
  • Board Changes: Welcome to new Board members Millissa Masters, who will serve as Secretary, and Kathy Stockton, Treasurer! We’re thrilled to have the energy and skills these two offer. We’re equally appreciative of outgoing officers Cassie Koerner (Secretary) and Sally Bradley (Treasurer) who helped make the business end of our organization run so well and be so fun.
  • New earlier meeting time: Based on feedback, our Saturday meetings will be moved up to 10 a.m. beginning in early 2022.
  • Meeting locations: We’ll meet inside for upcoming meetings, wear masks regardless of vaccination status, and be in locations with space to spread out (this applies for sew days and shorter meetings alike). When the weather is great and we want to meet out in the park, we’ll do that.
  • Social media: Join BMQG and other members on Instagram! Look for @boisemqg or #boisemqg, and connect with other members between meetings.


Show & Tell

Here’s a sampling of what we shared:

  • Yowza, Nancy Seid got a new machine! She said it’s like dating again, getting to know her new Juki, and we’re glad to hear she’s taking it slow.
  • Gwen made the cutest pouch for her granddaughter’s ballet shoes, using Tula Pink fabric that was made for this very thing.
  • Deb showed the rainbow quilt she’s working on for a family member.
  • Marilyn wowed the crowd with her Tula Pink nesting baskets, that just kept on going!
  • Linda Jolly shared her Christmas quilt completed with fabrics from the summer quilt camp raffle.
  • Lindsie demonstrated her true get’er done attitude with an orphan block baby quilt finish.
  • Karen Falvey sprinkled in some Christmas spirit by showcasing her finished presents quilt, fresh from the long armer.
  • Carol impressed everyone with her patience in quilting her striped top.

What’s Ahead

  • December: Enjoy the Holidays! No Club Mod this month or next, but join us in 2022 for an updated Club Mod (hint: money, UFOs and prizes are part of the deal).
  • January 22: After-Holiday Party, Swap & Sew Day (9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.): Join us for an all-day sew fest, featuring the Paint Chip Challenge swap and a salad bar potluck! Watch for details, come ready to help with set up and then get ready for so. much. fun.

Guild T-Shirts Still Available!

If you’re interested in snagging one of those sassy t-shirts passed out at summer Quilting Day Camp, you still have time to order. These seriously soft shirts by JamesAlanTees are designed by our own Lindsie Bergevin. Member only pricing of $30/shirt. Check out options and place your order here.

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