You’re invited to help make a quilt in memory of our friend Denise Arellano. We were devastated when Denise took her life in August 2020, but we treasure the bonds created over good food, conversation, and of course, quilting! Denise was drawn to making hexies, jump started after seeing the amazing giant quilt made by BMQG member Shelly Harshman and her sisters … who Denise dubbed “Sisters of the Hex.” From there, Denise made hundreds of hexi forms and collected the fabric to cover them. Now we’re inviting you to join the sisterhood in making Denise’s hexi collection complete. The final product will be gifted to her beloved and any leftover hexi blocks will be sewn together into additional quilt tops which we’ll finish and donate to a local charity.
- Pick up your packet of hexi-making supplies. (email us at [email protected] for location details)
- March 28 (Sunday), 2-3 pm. or March 30 (Tuesday), 7-8 pm.
- You can also get packets by contacting us at [email protected]
- Hexi-making supply kit: Your packet includes English Paper Piecing (EPP) forms and fabric supplies to make 4 hexi flowers. Feel free to swap out fabric of your own choosing if you like! There are also 1-2 pre-made hexies in your kit, which you can use as an example and to incorporate into your flowers.
- Make the hexi flowers: each flower is made up of 6 hexi petals + 1 hexi center in a contrasting color. Stitch the individual hexi first, then stitch them to each other. (Below, examples of completed hexi flowers and what completed blocks might look like. Photo credit: used by permission.)
- Return: Please remove the papers from the hexies and press the flowers well; or, if you prefer, leave the papers in and we’ll remove them later. (Please feel free to keep the papers for future EPP projects or recycle them!) Bring your completed hexi flowers to the May BMQG meeting. The flowers will be handed off for machine stitching to background fabric, making 6.5-inch unfinished squares. Depending on how the project progresses, there may be an opportunity to help machine sew blocks together at the August BMQ Quilting Day Camp.
Pingback: Last call: Sisters of the Hex – Boise Modern Quilt Guild