Coming up
- June 11 Club Mod: Join us for the next Friday night sew party at Club Mod, June 11, 7-9 p.m. on Zoom. Sew on your projects, chair dance at your machine, and maybe win a prize!
- June 26 In-Person Meeting: We’re planning on meeting outdoors and in person.
Want to join the fun? Send us a note at [email protected] and we’ll make sure you have the details. We have more fun events planned for this year. Be sure to join our guild so you can participate in our upcoming activities and be the first to know about them!
Giving back
- Get ‘Er Done: Our first project is nearly complete! Let us know if you are willing to make and sew binding — the quilt is 64“ x 64“ (and a big THANK YOU to Millissa, Cathy R. and Darla for working on this quilt). Get ’er Done is our clearinghouse to facilitate quilts going from start to finish before giving them to community organizations that can use the quilts. So, if you’re only interested in making quilt tops, this is the place to let others know, and they can take it to the next step or to the finish. Check out this list on our website for local organizations you can donate them to.
- Sisters of the Hex: If you have completed hexi flowers, send us a note at [email protected] . We’ve started sewing them to the background squares and can’t wait to add yours.
Show and tell + Quilt label discussion
Possibly the favorite part of our meeting….? Here’s a sampling of what we shared and discussed:
- Deb Stoner finished her Tetons Quilt, which will be a lovely wedding gift. She used the Mod Mountains Pattern ; and, Deb made her own custom label to match the quilt design
- Fay Hikida finished her red and white Creatin’ in the Sticks quilt from a birthday block exchange
- Get custom iron-on labels like Cassie’s from Mad Modern Graphics
- Try the technique that involves stamping labels shown here
- Or try printing your computer-design label onto fabric ironed on to freezer paper, explained in this tutorial
- Customize iron-on, write-on labels with stencils, like these
- Include the year you made (or finished) the quilt
- Use archival or permanent ink like a Pigma pen to write on the corner hanging sleeve
- This Bonnie Hunter technique involves sewing a simple label into the corner
- Try pre-writing your label message, then use a lightbox or window to trace it onto the fabric