Join us for an all-day after-holiday sew party!
When: Saturday, Jan. 28, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (swap happens at 11:30 a.m., followed by potluck lunch, then member spotlight/show & tell at 1:30 p.m. )
Where: Red Rock Christian Church, 1124 S Roosevelt St. (corner of Roosevelt & Kootenai), Boise
It’s a potluck: Bring your favorite food to share for lunch.
Holiday pin cushion swap: This year’s swap is super simple and fun – make a pin cushion of any size, any color, any design you want, and bring it to the party wrapped. We’ll trade/swap/steal in the style of a white elephant gift exchange. Need some inspiration? Check out our Pin Cushion Pinterest board.
Some things to note:
- We’re fortunate to use this space for no cost. A basket will be available if you’d like to throw in a few bucks as a donation — purely optional and no pressure or obligation. There will be padded folding chairs, but bring an extra cushion you like.
- This will be a “no-host” event, meaning that everyone brings their own sewing machines, necessary tools and projects to work on.
- The Get ‘er Done table (for donation quilts at any stage) will be set up for your perusal. Find or bring fabric and scraps, orphan blocks and unfinished projects.
- Masks are optional; hand sanitizer will be available.
- We will be at a church facility, so please no alcohol or pets.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 28th!