When: November 22, 2014, 1-4 pm
Where: Boise Public Library, 715 S Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID (Marion Bingham Room on 3rd floor)
Yes, it is that time of year again! Since we are a non-profit we are required to hold an annual meeting to take care of a few quick – but important – items of business. We promise to make the business part go quick! Below is an outline of the meeting.
- Membership: If you are interested in being a member of the Boise Modern Quilt Guild in 2015, we’ll be processing memberships. If you can’t make the meeting please complete the membership form and mail your $20 dues to Lori Wambolt at 5582 E Stageline Dr, Boise ID 83716 by December 6, 2014. Checks should be made payable to Boise Modern Quilt Guild.
- Financials: We will review our financial information – where money was spent in 2014 and what we expect our expenses to be in 2015.
- Voting: We will vote on the Board of Directors. Our Board is currently comprised of: Christy Foltz-Ahlrichs, President; Angela Bowman, Vice President; Lindsie Bergevin, Secretary; Lori Wambolt, Treasurer.
- A few rules about the vote:
- At the meeting any member in good standing may nominate another person to the board with the second of another member.
- To be qualified as an elected officer, a member must be in good standing, and have been active in the Guild for at least one year (with exception for the founding officers).
- Renewing and new members are allowed to vote.
- A member does not have to be present to be on the ballot, but you must be at the meeting to vote.
- See the Board Position Descriptions and Bylaws for more information.
- A few rules about the vote:
- Lindsie will lead us in a discussion on what types of functions we would like to see on our website.
- As always, bring a project to work on!