Gather Your Quilts for Sept. 11 Quilt Walk!

Gather up those quilts you’ve been making and get ready to show them off at the Sept. 11 Modern Quilt Walk in the park. The Quilt Walk is an informal way to share the art of modern quilting in an easily accessible location — and to capitalize on greenbelt foot traffic expected at Art in the Park that same weekend. Members, watch your email for a sign up form and details (and if you’re not a member yet, but want to display your modern quilts, please join us as a member!).

It’s Simple: We’ll spread our quilts out on the lawn, bring our own chairs and snacks, and BMQG will have a couple of information tables. It’s an opportunity to talk with people about your craft and artistry. Here’s a glimpse at how the Central Washington MQG hosted a similar event last year. (photos: Michelle Bartholomew)

When: Saturday, Sept. 11; 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Where: Adjacent to the Boise Greenbelt in Ann Morrison Park; we’ll display on a stretch of grass between the footbridge and Old Timer Shelter

Who: Anyone in the Boise MQG is welcome to participate and display quilts, no registration fee. We’ve also invited the Nampa MQG to participate.

Questions? Send us a note at [email protected]. We hope you’ll join us!

The mission of the Boise MQG is to develop and encourage the art of modern quilting; encourage new quilters and other fiber artists from all backgrounds to explore modern quilting; offer educational opportunities; and support “charity” or other works that provide back to the community through the use of modern quilting skills.

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