February 2014 Sew Day – Join Us!

Join in the fun! We are looking forward to another Sew Day in our roomier space at the downtown Boise library. Last month was our first month at this location and everyone enjoyed having a bit more elbow room to work.

When: Saturday, February 22, 1pm – 3pm
Where: Boise Public Library, 715 S Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID (Marion Bingham Room on 3rd floor)

Our discussion topic for our February sew day will be composition and the use of negative space in a quilt.

We will be working through the recently posted tutorial on the Janome website by Alissa Haight Carlton, one of the founders of The Modern Quilt Guild.

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“This Way Quilt” by Alissa Haight Carlton

Yes, the tutorial is for an entire quilt, however, we will start with the foundational block that the quilt builds upon. How much of the quilt you make after we make the very graphic, simple block will be up to you.This quilt does appear to be one that will come together quickly (once you tackle all the cutting!) and would be a great example of modern quilting to showcase in the upcoming BBQ 2014 quilt show.

For the foundational block, you will need the following materials:

Fabric A (Background Fabric)

  • 1 – 3.5” x 3.5” square
  • 2 – 2” x 2” squares

Fabric B

  • 1 – 2” x 5” piece
  • 1 – 3.5” x 2” piece

If you’re interested in completing more than the starting foundational block, here is the link to the tutorial that details remaining cutting instructions:


Additional supplies you may also want to bring:

  • Cutting mat, ruler and rotary cutter
  • Iron and small ironing board (if you have something portable)
  • Sewing machine, thread, small scissors
  • Power strip/surge protector if you have one

As always, be sure to bring your latest show and tell finished quilts for all to see! You are also welcome to bring your own project(s) to work on if this tutorial doesn’t peak your interest or you are focused on a current project and simply can’t tear yourself away from it to start something new. We look forward to seeing you for our February Sew Day.

UPDATE: If you are participating in the Riley Blake Fabric Challenge, bring your quilt.  We’ll take photos of our entries.

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