February 2014 Sew Day – a Recap

There were lots of new faces at this meeting – we signed up 9 new members!

We began our Sew Day with Show and Tell.  Here are some recent projects by our members, including a couple projects for the Riley Blake Fabric Challenge:

February 2014 Quilt 3

February 2014 Quilt 2

February 2014 Quilt 1

February 2014 Quilt 5

February 2014 Quilt 6

We talked about making a banner quilt.  This will be a group effort, and we are so excited to get started.  We’ll need a bunch of 6.5″ unfinished quilt blocks for this project, and we’re planning to have a block-making frenzy for next month’s sew day.  Check out our Quilt Block Tutorials Pinterest board for tons of inspiring free tutorials.  We made sure to put the block size on each pin!

Then we shared a couple of news items:  the Michael Miller Fabric Challenge and 2015 QuiltCon.  Exciting stuff, folks!

Lori Wambolt (our Treasurer) shared her experience from SewDown Portland, along with her “conversation” quilt block.

February 2014 Lori Sew Down

Lori showed examples of quilts that focused on composition and use of negative space. Then we made some quilt blocks along this theme, using this tutorial by Alissa Haight Carlton: This Way Quilt.

February 2014 Quilt Blocks

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