When: December 27, 2014, 1-3 pm
Where: Lori Wambolt’s House, 5582 E Stageline Dr, Boise, ID (map)
Mark your calendars! The Boise Modern Quilt Guild will be hosting our annual after Christmas Party on December 27 from 1-3 p.m. at Lori’s house. Saturday’s festivities will include a small potluck to kick off the festivities, door prizes and our apron swap!
Potluck Luncheon
Lori has generously offered to provide the main dish – Shredded BBQ Chicken Sandwiches. To help with lunch, please bring the following:
- Last names A-O – Side dish
- Last names P-Z – Dessert
Apron Swap
We are excited to see what kind of aprons everyone has made for their swap partner! If you are participating in the apron swap, please bring your completed apron to the luncheon to exchange.
Sew and Share
If you were lucky enough to receive a handmade sewn or quilted gift this holiday season, or have a completed project, please bring it on Saturday.
2015 Block of the Month
If you signed up for the Moccasin block of the month, please be prepared to provide payment of $19. Once payment is made, you will receive the January pattern to get you started.
WiP’s & Wishes Challenge – Bring your completed challenge form & $10!
The idea of a challenge to encourage completion of UFO’s (unfinished objects) was presented at our November 2014 meeting. Based on feedback and subsequent discussion amongst the board, this challenge was changed to the “WiP’s and Wishes Challenge”. WiP’s are works in process. Wishes include a modern quilt related project that you’d like to complete during the year.
Each participant will complete the challenge form with 10 or fewer WiP’s or Wishes you want to complete in 2015 and pay the entry fee of $10. Half of the challenge money will go towards the guild; half of the money will be a jackpot prize at the end of the year. Completed projects must be shown at a guild meeting during the “show and share” portion of the meeting. Each completed project earns a ticket towards the jackpot prize. The jackpot prize will be drawn at the last guild meeting of 2015. Use this challenge as a motivator to finish your WiP’s or try something new!! Payment can be made via a check written to the Boise Modern Quilt Guild.
Have a hard time remembering to bring your checkbook?
We plan to have a debit/credit card swiper available at the After Christmas Party (and going forward) to process transactions via Paypal. Due to Paypal charging the guild a service fee each time the swiper is used, a service fee will be added to your total if you elect to pay via debit/credit card.
See you soon!