April 27 is our next meeting

When: April 27 meeting, 10:30a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Where: Cole & Ustick Library, 7557 W Ustick Rd., Boise
What: The meeting features our own Mary Simmons, who will spend 15-20 minutes sharing key takeaways from this year’s QuiltCon, including plenty of quilt pictures and insights about artist statements. Then it’s open sew! Bring your sewing projects, machines and tools to work on. And don’t forget show and tell!

And, two May 15 deadlines to note:

  • Featherweight Maintenance class with Mary Simmons is May 18, 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The cost is $10 as fundraising for the guild. Be sure to order supplies ahead of time (or make sure you have them on hand); additional supplies may cost $30-40, and some items you can share with a friend if you like. Sign up here by May 15. (Members, check your email for detailed info).
  • The Boise Basin Quilters annual quilt show is Sept. 27-28 and they’ve generously offered us a complimentary exhibit space at the show. Sign up here  by May 15 if you can help. We need a minimum of 8 people to help share the workload over the course of the show; so far just one person has signed up. We realize it’s a long way off, but if we don’t have enough folks to make it happen, we’ll release the space for another group to use.

And, here are some other quilty things to know about:

  • April 20: Quilts, pie, crafts and general auction supporting the global relief work of Mennonite Central Committee. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at College Church of the Nazarene, 504 E Dewey Ave. in Nampa
  • May 9-11: Quilt, Craft & Sew Festival at Expo Idaho
  • St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital is looking for volunteers to make 50 outfits for small stuffed bears, which are sold at the annual Kid For A Night fundraiser on June 7. Completed outfits need to be completed and turned in by mid- to late May. BMQG is not officially participating in the project, but we encourage anyone interested to do so. Questions? Contact Jenna Landman, Manager of Special Events St. Luke’s Health Foundation, 208-381-1163 or [email protected]
  • June 8: BMQG Meeting & Charles Cameron lecture “Color! An engineer’s guide to color value & placement in quilts” at JUMP; free to members, $10 guests
  • August 15-18: Quilt Camp at Luther Heights Bible Camp. Registration details coming this summer!
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