Modern Quilting Bee
We’re kicking off a Modern Quilting Bee Project! It’s simple to participate, and we think it will be so fun! We’re starting with this 16.5-inch unfinished block.
You’ll need to login as a member of MQG — once logged in, you can follow this path to the pattern: For MQG Members > MQG Journal > Previous Issues > MQG Journal Issue 02 > scroll down the page to find “Issue 02 / Block Study / Barbed” and click on More. If you trouble getting to the pattern, email us for help. (Barbed quilt block by Molly Wardlow; photo by Laura Loewen)
Millissa (BMQG Secretary) is leading the effort and has chosen a tranquil blue and aqua color theme, you can also throw in a natural off white if you are inspired.
- Make your block using these similar colors, using either solids or prints. Don’t worry about finding an exact color match.
- You can use the Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmers ruler, or something like it for quickly making a batch of Half Square Triangles (HSTs). Or, check out this tutorial if you want to brush up on tips for making HSTs.
- Bring your completed block to the July 23 meeting.
- Eventually, the completed quilt will be part of our Get ‘er Done quilts and gifted to a community organization.
Zipper Pouches
A giant thanks to everyone who joined us for making zipper pouches! We collected 31 completed pouches by the end of the meeting – and we know there are more out there being stitched up. The pouches will be filled with personal care items, including items from Jill Shelton Wagers, DMD and Hilton Garden Inn at Pioneer Crossing, and donated to two local organizations: Faces of Hope Victim Center and Community Outreach Behavioral Services (COBS). We especially appreciated the tips and tutorial from Apryl and Cathy R.
If you’re working on a pouch, plan to turn it in by the July 23 meeting. You can follow this simple tutorial by Noodelhead (or if you have an equally simple pouch pattern, you’re welcome to make that). If members are interested in continuing the project, we can add it to our ongoing community giving activities.
Show & Tell
- Marilyn was in the Member Spotlight, and brought a collection that illustrated her journey as a quilter. She made her first quilt for her doll’s bed, and not knowing any different, she cleverly used dryer lint as batting. After that, there was no stopping Marilyn! She admitted that she “love(s) weird backs” and Elizabeth Hartman designs.
- Cassie showed the quilt top she finished during Friday night Club Mod get togethers. There are so. many. HSTs. She’s also leading girls at her church to make fabric bracelets using this fabric and paper version and this fabric-wrapped cord version.
- Darla showed a purse that’s part of the Sew Powerful purse project. The purses are sent to Zambian girls to use for carrying feminine hygiene supplies, thus allowing them to stay in school all month. Find the pattern here. A group of friends will send a package of purses at the end of October, and if you’d like to make a purse, simply get it to Darla, Jeri or Cathy R. by the October meeting.
Get ‘er Done quilts: If you’re helping make quilts to share in our community, Anna Y. reminded us that throw or twin bed sizes would be especially appreciated by some organizations, though smaller baby quilts will also be accepted. Need batting? The Guild recently purchased a supply for this very purpose. Send us a note to let us know what you need!;